I just got this, so try that code again, please:

tanguy chtitoon.com - RE: Problem with cticode
Pseudo : ramor75
Code : CHsm8dOd2y
Utilise : 08/02/2012 ? 08:35:35
it valide

> To: tanguy_59300@hotmail.fr
> Subject: Problem with cticode
> From: merr@freemail.hu
> Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 17:34:24 +0100
> Hello,
> I have problem with cticode-CHsm8dOd2y bought on 08/02/2012 at 08:35:35.
> I sold it on Codeotop, and the buyer says it\'s invalid. I also tried to validate this code here myself, and You say it\'s invalid... Can you tell me, is it invalid really, or what account it had been validated on? In this case I need the account name, if you can give me, on the code had been used... Thanks in advance...